Tuition is based off of a full season (August-May) and payments are to be made in equal monthly installments prior to the first of the month. Tuition does NOT reflect the number of classes or weeks in a month. Tuition payments are NON-REFUNDABLE for any missed classes. Holidays are not prorated.
Monthly Tuition
- 1 class per week: $68 September-May; August - $34
- 2 classes per week: $115 September-May; August - $58
- 3 classes per week: $155 September-May; August - $78
- 4 classes per week: $190 September-May; August - $95
- 5 classes per week: $220 September-May; August - $110
- 6 classes per week: $245 September-May; August - $123
- 7 classes per week: $265 September-May; August - $133
- 8 classes per week: $280 September-May; August - $140
- 9+ classes per week (unlimited): $290 September-May; August - $145
Registration Fee
$40 for the first student and $20 for each additional sibling due upon registration with your first month’s tuition.
Late Fees
If the card on file is declined for any reason and an alternate payment has not been made by the 5th of the month, the following fees will apply:
5 days late = $5 fee
10 days late = $10 fee
15 days late = $15 fee and dancer may be asked to sit until account is made current.
Multi-Student and Parent Discount
Families with more than one student enrolled at 5678 Dance will receive a ten percent (10%) discount off of Monthly Tuition payments. Parents of enrolled students will receive a fifty percent (50%) discount off of Tuition Payments for adult classes. The adult class discount is the maximum discount available no matter the number of enrolled students the parent has.
Payment Methods
All tuition payments, costumes, competition fees, andrecital fees will be automatically charged to the card on file on the due date. Tuition will be auto drafted on the 1st of every month. Costume fees will be auto-drafted according to the schedule below. You may provide a different method of payment, but it must be made prior to the 1st. We accept payments via credit/debit, cash, and check. There is a $35 fee for all returned checks. For any payment method I select, I hereby authorize 5678 Dance to charge/debit my account for payment of my bill and for any other reasonable charges for all activities, costumes, special events, and other activities related to this Agreement. I understand that any charges/debits to your account may not be processed without your consent. I realize that once I have been charged, there is no refund on tuition, costumes, or recital fees. I must notify 5678 Dance of my intent to withdraw from classes at least 30 days in advance and understand that all charges within that time frame will still be due.